Club Sign Up

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Winery Rockstar

Winery Rockstar – 12 bottles per shipment

12 bottles per shipment
3 shipments per year
February, April, September
Ability to customize each shipment*
30% discount on current release wine
Complimentary tastings for member and up to three guests

Winery Rockstar members will receive an email approximately two weeks prior to the billing of the next shipment. This email will provide an opportunity to log in and customize your club shipment by selecting wines from the list offered. Members who chose not to make a custom selection by the given deadline, will automatically receive our Winemaker’s Selection.

Terms and Conditions: By joining one of Little Vineyards Family Winery wine club, you certify that you are at least 21 years of age and that all wine deliveries must to signed for by adults 21 years of age or older. Membership benefits are effective at time of sign-up.

Little Vineyards will conveniently ship your wines directly to the shipping address provided by you during sign-up. If you elect to pick-up your wines, we will hold your club shipment at the tasting room for pick-up.

Once shipped, age verification and a signature of an adult 21 years of age or older are required at the time of delivery. Carriers will make three delivery attempts before returning orders back to Little Vineyards. It is the wine club members obligation to notify Little Vineyards of any changes to their billing or shipping prior to the shipment date. Little Vineyards will notify all members via email two weeks prior to club release and shipments. Extra shipping charges incurred due to an incorrect address, rerouting, and returned shipments will be charged to the members account.

Cancellations: Your club membership commitment is for at least one year (3 shipments) from the date of sign-up. After one year, shipments will automatically continue until you elect to cancel in writing. Cancellations must be received one week prior to club processing. A $50 cancellation fee will apply if you elect to cancel your membership within one year of joining. This fee protects our member benefits and any savings we have extended to you under the conditions of membership during that time.  After one year, there are no fees associated with cancellation.

Delivery / Pickup Information

Signature is required for delivery


Payment Method

Secure Payment
The security of your sensitive information is important to us. When you enter sensitive information, we encrypt that information using secure socket layer technology.

  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • AmericanExpress
  • Discover

Billing Address


Login Details

Create a password so that you can login to view club details. You will also be able to save your information for the checkout process in the future.

You can review this subscription before it's final.

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