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Little Vineyards Family Winery

Gift Card

Gift Card
Buy an E-Gift Card

Gift-giving made easy! E-Gift Cards can be used to send a Little wine to someone special for any occasion. E-Gift Cards will be sent via email to the shipping recipient that you choose on the checkout screen where you will be given an opportunity to customize a special gift message. Pick a denomination that is right for you.  The amounts below represent an average cost and do not include tax and shipping but keep in mind that wine shipments of 6 bottles or more qualify for $25.00 flat rate shipping per case. 

3 bottles - $125.00

6 bottles - $250.00

9 bottles - $375.00

12 bottles - $500.00 


Estate Patio Tastings Reservation - $25.00 per person*

Reserve Gold Tasting - $40.00 per person*

Picnic Table Reservation - $10.00 per person*

* Gift Card recipients will need to contact our office to use their gift card to make a reservation


NOTE: Gift cards are valid online and in the tasting room.  Only 1 gift card code can be used in a single transaction so if you need a denomination that is not available please email us at accounting@littlevineyards.com so we can set that amount up for you. 



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